Clashes with Israeli forces at Ein Hijleh started in the evening hours of Monday, February 3, when two Palestinians were injured during a fight with Israeli soldiers; one Palestinian had an arm fractured and the other fractured his ribs. Israeli forces prevented ambulances from entering the village to evacuate the wounded Palestinians to a nearby hospital.The Palestinian Popular Struggle Coordination Committee launched on Friday, January 31, the Melh Al-Ard (Salt of the Earth) campaign by reviving the village of Ein Hijleh, in the Jordan Valley.

On the morning of Tuesday, February 4, Israeli soldiers confiscated a banner with the name of the village which was hung by residents over the nearby road 90, reports the Alternative Information Center (AIC).

A large number of Israeli army and border police officers who stormed the revived Jordan Valley village of Ein Hijleh several times were confronted by residents of the village. Israeli troops shot large amounts of tear gas, and several cases of tear gas suffocation were registered. One Palestinian activist was hit by a tear gas canister in the foot.

Later in the day, Israeli army and police forces attempted to enter the village but were repelled by the residents.

So far, the residents have restored a number of houses in Ein Hijleh and continue to work on its reconstruction. The residents also planted 150 trees donated by the Palestinian Agricultural Relief Committees (PARC).